Our factory trained technicians are able to service and repair your clock. We service grandfather, wall , mantle & cuckoo clocks.
To increase the life of your clock’s movement your clock requires regular oiling a minimum of once every two years. In addition your clock’s movement should be thoroughly cleaned every five to ten years depending on climate conditions.
Service Rates (Oiling & adjustment)
Grandfather clock in our general service area is $165.00 plus tax
Wall & mantle clocks left at our $75.00 plus tax.
Movements that need to be rebuilt are quoted on an individual basis.
Call us. We maybe able to diagnose your clock issues over the phone.
If your clock has stopped running here are a few things you can check yourself before booking a service call.
Make sure the clock is wound up fully.
Make sure the hands are not touching each or hitting the glass or the dial.
Listen to the beat of the clock , it should be even. A clock that is “in beat” sounds like tick…tock …tick…tock. A clock that is “out of beat” sounds like tick..tock……………..tick..tock…………….tick.
Factory Training At Howard Miller
Setting up Clocks Howard Miller Training
Clocks being timed Howard Miller Factory
Video Recording of Training at Howard Miller Factory
Mantle clocks at the Howard Miller Factory
Howard Miller Curio Grandfather Clocks on the line
We are a registered service center for Howard Miller Clocks.
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